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National Conference on Commercial Work Closes in Beijing
来源:January 3, 2014 - 14:56 BJT (06:56 GMT) MOFCOM | 作者:admin | 发布时间: 2014-01-03 | 1725 次浏览 | 分享到:
A two-day National Conference on Commercial Work (hereinafter referred to as the "Conference") closed on the afternoon of December 28. Mr. Jiang Zengwei, Vice Minister of Commerce of PRC, delivered a summary speech, and Mr. Zhong Shan, China International Trade Representative and Vice Minister of Commerce of PRC, presided over the Conference.

Mr. Jiang pointed out that the Conference is the first conference of the whole commerce system after the new leaders came into office. Vice Premier Wang Yang has made specific requirements to push forward China’s commercial reform and development in 2014, and it is necessary to understand the requirements and make full implementation of the same. In general, the Conference achieved fruitful results in unifying thoughts, understanding the situation, better locating the work orientation, making clear objectives and exchanging experience.
 Jiang Zengwei stressed, based on the comments and suggestions put forward at the Conference, that firstly, it is necessary to thoroughly implement the spirit of the Third Plenary Session of the 18th CPC Central Committee, and push forward the reform and opening up in commercial field. Commerce departments at all levels should give full play to their initiative and creativity, and break the constraint of rules and shackle of interests to strengthen the top-level design and overall planning, and push forward the work step by step with joint efforts of the whole commerce system. Priorities in 2014 are in two aspects: on the one hand, to build a new open economic system, and on the other hand, to boost the reform of the circulation system of domestic trade, and foster a legalization environment of business. It is necessary to attach great importance to research of key theories and strategies in commercial field, so as to provide strong support for pushing forward the reform and opening up. Secondly, to improve the quality and increase efficiency, so as to achieve the main goals of commerce development in 2014.Quality improvement and efficiency increase should be taken as the main goals of commerce work; efforts should be made to release effective demands to give full play to the basic role of consumption, the key role of investment and the support role of exports, and well control the development of consumption, investment and exports that drive the growth of economy. The commerce departments need to pay attention to the integration of domestic and foreign trade, the industrial linkage of foreign trade, foreign investment and international economy, the integration of government agencies at central and local levels and inter-regional cooperation; it is necessary to attach importance to both the development of large enterprises and the cultivation of small and medium sized enterprises; and it is necessary to develop circulation of livelihood materials and service industry, and at the same time to circulation of production materials. Thirdly, to accelerate the transformation of government functions, and provide service to commercial development. It is necessary for both the Ministry of Commerce and local commerce departments to clarify the boundaries of government and market, and highlight the transformation of government functions. The Ministry of Commerce will continue to sort out administrative examination and approval items, and cancel those unnecessary approval authority items, or delegate the power on certain approval items, and make a specific schedule and provide guidance and assistance on the items to be delegated. Fourthly, to consolidate the results of educational practice, and effectively change work style. The first batch of educational practice has entered into the final stage, and next, Ministry of Commerce will continue to solicit the advice and suggestions of the industries, local departments and cadres and people, so as to keep innovate the mechanism to service the local areas, and continue to strengthen support for commercial work of local departments, help them to solve practical problems, and timely make public the situation of domestic and international economy and trade as well as the progress of major trade negotiations.
 Jiang Zengwei stressed that it is necessary to combine the implementation of the spirit of the Conference with thoroughly studying and implementing the spirit of President Xi’s exposition since the 18th People’s Congress, the spirit of the Third Plenary Session of the 18thCPC Central Committee and the Central Economic Work Conference. It is required to learn and understand the arrangement and requirements of the Central Government, and thoroughly grasp the essence. Commerce departments at all levels and relevant departments are required to well convey and carry out the spirit of the Conference to make the plan for commercial work in 2014, and in combination with their own advantages and actual conditions, to implement and orderly push forward it on schedule focusing on the key points.
 The representatives from commerce departments of Shanghai, Xinjiang, Guangxi, Shanxi and Zhejiang, and three enterprises delivered speeches at the Conference.